Mississippi Chapter of the International Association of Assessing Officers

Official Website


2013-2014 Committees & Duties

Educational Committee
(Appointed bi-annually by the President)
Public Relations Committee
(Appointed bi-annually by the President)

Gary Beech, Chairman
Jason Camp, GCD Representative
Jimmy Donald, MDOR Representative
Delbert Dearman, Tax Collector Rep
Van McWhirter, Northern Dist. Rep
Diane Duvaul, Central Dist. Rep
Jeff Mullins, Southern Dist. Rep

Jason Camp, CGT Representative
Mitzi Presley, Northern Dist. Rep.
Central Dist. Rep.
Jack Smith, Southern Dist. Rep.

Duties of the Educational Committee
Duties of the Public Relations Committee

• Select IAAO courses to be offered each year
• Work with Center of Governmental Training and Technology in making arrangements for educational courses and workshops
• Work closely with Candidates Club and Tax Collectors to keep them informed of upcoming educational opportunities


• Maintain and update MS Chapter IAAO Web Site
• Oversee the publication of “Across County Lines”

Nominating Committee
(Appointed bi-annually by the President)
Audit Committee
(Appointed bi-annually by the President)

Gerald Barber, Immediate Past President, Chairman
Charles Williams, President
Nick Elmore, IAAO State Representative
Paula Ladner, Representative at Large

Leroy Ware, Chairman
Ramona Blackledge, Treasurer, Ex Officio
Kempe Hodges, Northern Dist. Rep
Norman Cannady, Central Dist. Rep
Gary Beech, Southern Dist. Rep

Duties of the Nominating Committee
Duties of the Audit Committee

• Select candidates to be nominated for chapter offices


• Review records annually and provide an annual report


Awards/Executive Committee
(Elected bi-annually by the membership)
Ex Officio Voting Members of all Committees

Charles Williams, President
Jimmie Ladner, Vice-President
Ramona Blackledge, Treasurer
Paula Ladner, Secretary
Tal Flurry, Executive Director
Delbert Dearman, Exec Position #1
Jimmy Donald, Exec Position #2
Bruce Templeton, Exec Position #3
Jason Camp, Exec Position #4 

Charles Williams, President
Tal Flurry, Executive Director
Nick Elmore, IAAO State Rep.

Duties of the Awards Committee
• By appointment from the President apply for awards through the IAAO
• Determine recipients for awards given to individuals that have been exemplary in their duties and contributions to the IAAO and to the citizens of Mississippi.



home | about | membership | meetings | officers | committees | bylaws | awards | news & info | contacts


The Mississippi Chapter of the IAAO website is sponsored by the
Center for Governmental Training & Technology
in the Mississippi State University Extension Service